Mandatory healthcare insurance and natural medicine

The allergy season is starting again and it is worse than ever so you have started to wonder whether seeing a naturopath or homeopathic pills would be covered by your health insurance? 

The latter recognises five big types of so-called alternative medicines: 

  • Chinese medicine (yes those! The thin needles all over your body!) 
  • Homeopathy 
  • Phytotherapy (treatment through plants)
  • Neural therapy (local injections of anaesthesia) 
  • Anthroposophical medicine (inclusion of the psychological and spiritual aspect in the treatment)

I know what you are about to say, you will immediately go schedule a Chinese medicine session… Unfortunately, you cannot do this, just like any insurance, you need your doctor to determine you have an imperative need for this treatment and prescribe it to you. Also, if you want to be reimbursed, the therapist must have completed a recognised training. Otherwise, the conditions are often different with a supplementary insurance!

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