Updated on May, 16th 2023.
What is an equity fund?
An equity fund is an investment fund which does not try to diversify its financial products. The person in charge of the investments will limit his or her options to shares.
His or her investment fund will be made of 100% of shares in various companies. This type of fund’s main objective if performance, risk level considerations are put in the background.
As they typically fluctuate quite a bit, these funds require a rather long timeframe (10 years on average).
It is very important to check several things before investing in an equity fund:
- Its yields over the past couple of years.
- Its management costs as well as its acquisition costs.
- Performance indicators (Sharoe ratio, Jenson alpha).
All of this information is summed up in the fund factsheet.

Are you still doubting? You should go check out our article and related questionnaire in order to determine your risk profile and, thereby, find out which financial products are more appropriate for your situation!