Termination and change of health insurance

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Every year, premiums change and, therefore, it is possible to change healthcare insurance providers. At any time, you can terminate your contract for the following year. However, it is mandatory to do it before November 30 of the current year. We advise all our clients not to do it at the last moment. Each change can take some time and documents might have to go back and forth before the procedure is complete. the sooner you take care of it, the more confident you will be in the fact the change was done according to your expectations. 

Terminating your current insurance:

  • It can be done at the beginning of the year and until November 30. 

Subscription to a new health insurer: 

  • It can be done all year round (from January 1st to December 31st).
Timeline to understand the deadlines within which it is possible to terminate one's LAmal health insurance and what are the deadlines to join a new insurance

For the change to take effect, you have to make sure that the termination letter was sent to your previous health insurer and that the request was received and validated by your knew insurer. 

Based on my experience in the field of insurances, I can assure you that whether it be for the health insurance or any other insurance for that matter: terminating it is always the biggest issue and the biggest source of problems. 

If I had to sum this article up, I would say that changing LAMal insurances is a good idea in terms of annual savings but pay attention to the deadlines and methods. 

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